With the support of the Regional Direction of Cultural Affairs

A film by Sophie Nivelle-Cardinale and Etienne Huver

Preview screening
“Disparus” (“The Disappeared”) is an investigation into the hidden side of a war still going on. Far from the bombs and the devastated cities, the film documents a phenomenon which has been wreaking havoc among the Syrian population since 2011. More than a hundred thousand people have disappeared, possibly even more – as many as those who have died in the armed conflict, according to some witnesses. These disappearances show that the Syrian regime has set up a ruthless killing machine whose inner workings are torture, arbitrariness and cruelty. For the first time, families of those who have disappeared, survivors, and also torturers and executioners speak out about this journey into hell. Through different protagonists, political leaders, religious figures and scenes filmed on the ground, this documentary throws light on the challenges and upheavals taking place in a country which seems condemned to perpetual instability.

A debate will follow the documentary, it will be animated by Michel BEURET, with Garance Le Caisne and the film makers, Sophie Nivelle-Cardinale et Etienne Huver.

The screening will be followed by a round-table discussion including Sophie Nivelle-Cardinale and Étienne Huver.
Production: What’s Up films /Song Pham
A co-production with ARTE G.E.I.E with the participation of RTS Radio Télévision Suisse and the support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée.