Doctors Without Borders round table
Migrants trapped in Libya: no way out?

Friday 9th October – 6 pm

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) round table

Migrants trapped in Libya: no way out?

Three years ago a report showing men from sub-Saharan Africa being sold like chattels in Libya sent shock waves around the world, and a raft of measures  to protect refugees and migrants from a brutal system of exploitation was announced. Today thousands of exiles remain  in the country, trapped in a cycle of violence and abuse which is encouraged by increasingly repressive migration policies. After a brief look at the current situation and the political dynamics underlying it we shall be asking  journalists, humanitarian and legal specialists what actions civil society can take to bring about changes in this ever deteriorating situation.

With the participation, among others, of  Jérôme Tubiana, Doctors Without Borders  associate and Etienne Huver, journalist. 

Espace Saint-Patrice
Rue du Marché

Free admission

October 9 2020


Espace Saint-Patrice