
New in 2001:In addition to Bayeux, the Students’ Prize is also held for the first time in Caen.
2001 Jury Chair
Adrian Van Klaveren is a multi-award winning journalist. He joined the BBC in 1983 as a news service intern and continued his career with the BBC. He is now a member of the senior management team of the BBC News Service and manages 550 journalists and technicians.
2001 Results
Written Press
Françoise Spiekermeier – PARIS MATCH “Horror camps in Chechnya“
Enric Marti – ASSOCIATED PRESS “Revolt in Palestine”
Ben Brown – BBC “The Jerusalem Uprising“
Gilles Perez – RFI “Leaving school“ – ISRAEL PALESTINE
Ouest-France-Jean Marin Prize
Maureen Cofflard – LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR “London, paradise of fools of Allah“
Secondary School Students’ Prize
Marie-Claude Vogric – FRANCE 3 “General Mladlic’s right-hand man is tried by the ICT for the Srebrenica massacre“
General Public Prize
Jeffrey B. Russel – CORBIS SYGMA “Depleted uranium, the long agony of the Iraqi people”