Presentation – screening – discussion
Chronicling War
Marie Colvin in Tahrir Square in 2011 during the Egyptian Revolution. She was killed the following year during the siege of Homs, Syria.
© Ivor Prickett/Panos/Agence REA
Three receptions that will help you get a better understanding of current affairs.
Sponsored by Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles.
Wednesday 6 October — 9 pm
Presentation – screening – discussion
Chronicling War
Preview presentation of the book Chronicling War (Raconter la Guerre), A history of war correspondents.
Created by: Adrien Jaulmes, Raechel Isolda
Professional war correspondents first appeared on battlefields almost two centuries ago. This curious profession, born with the burgeoning of newspapers, has been in constant evolution as new technologies have developed – photography, film, radio, television and internet. But its basic principles have remained almost unchanged: go, see, tell.
Chronicling War, a book published this year by Equateurs, takes up the themes of the exhibition organised for the 25th edition of the Prix Bayeux.
It tells the story of the astonishing human adventure of these women and men, and the contribution they have been making from the 19th century up until today to writing the draft version of our history.
On this preview evening the book will be presented by the author, with a screening of some previously unseen documents serving to illustrate it .
Designer: Laurent Hochberg © Image Courtesy of the National Army Museum, London
Raconter la guerre. Une histoire des correspondants de guerre
Author: Adrien Jaulmes, Documentation : Raechel Isolda, Design: Laurent Hochberg
Halle Ô Grains
66 rue Saint-Jean
Doors open at 8.15 pm
Free Admission

October 6 2021
Halle Ô Grains